Sunday, 20 March 2011

Geogebra - it's free!


This may be a case of preaching to the converted, but if you haven't yet seen the light then you really should download Geogebra software. It's fantastic and free. Possibly the best free software that doesn't carry advertisements a Mathematics teacher could find.

It's essentially a geometry and graphing package, arguably better at the former than Autograph, and better at the latter than Geometer's Sketch Pad. There's a command line user interface which isn't ideal and will take students a bit of getting used to, but the being free it means that all your students can use it, at school and at home.

There a Mac version and a PC version, and if you don't want to install the full program on your machine, then you can run a web applet.

I may write more on these three applications, once I've got the hang of how to use this blogging software.

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