Hello, and welcome
Well, at long last the blogging project is underway, and with student exam leave imminent, who knows, it may even continue!
This idea was born of many conversations with fellow teachers that have left me with a load of wonderful ideas on teaching Mathematics, but no sense of how to order them. So I thought I'd share the process of trying to sort them out and hopefully, along the way, make some changes to some other classrooms around the world.
Okay, so up to this point the post has been written in the first person singular. It's all about me. Except it's not. Or at least I hope it won't be. The plan is to have a team of bloggers, which will hopefully mean that there are more frequent posts than if it's just me, and also it will offer different perspectives. There are a couple of people I have in mind, but if you happen to read this one day, and want to join the team, then please get in touch.
Well, that's an introduction. Now I'd better go and post something useful...
Maths Geek
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